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Zero meridian line norms in Malaysian Malay female adults

Co authored: Dr. Melati Mahmud, Dr. Nik Mukhriz Mustapha, Dr. Lim Tong Wah, Dr. Noraina Hafizan Norman
Dr. Juliza binti Md Lepi

Dr. Juliza binti Md Lepi

Fri. 6. September 2024


The study established norms for Malaysian Malay females’ soft tissue pogonion positioning using photogrammetric analysis. Results showed their pogonion is significantly more anteriorly positioned (3.13mm) compared to Caucasians, providing important insights into facial aesthetics for orthodontic planning in this population.

Objective: To determine the measurement of the Malaysian Malay female adults to the soft tissue pogonion. The norm for evaluating soft tissue pogonion in relation to the is to be established. Material...